Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Big Brain

I am in the middle of a study group of sorts (Spring Practice Period) and the theme is "Silence and Expression". Our homework was to find our barrier, get in the middle of it, and then express something about it in some creative fashion. I wrote this:

"You’re in charge. Take care of her.
She needs you. You know how she is, she is so easily distractable – she might get lost, or start the house on fire.
I don’t know what she’d do without you. She is so lucky to have you."

"She’s too blonde. Defend her virtue.
You know how flaky she can be. Make sure she’s taken seriously.
She’s so sensitive; she feels things so keenly. It’s a good thing she has you to protect her."

And now my Big Brain thinks far too much of itself.
Swollen with a sense of its own importance, it has no sense of boundaries.
It stomps around, crushing the garden.
It falls asleep in the middle of the hallway and no one can get past.
My big brain chokes me. It leaves my mouth too full to chew, too full to speak.

So. There I am. All flayed and exposed. Or a good part of me anyway. I speak of the power of vulnerability, so I'm walking my talk. I hope you find something worthwhile in this.